The Stubblefield's

Our family is going through so many exciting changes right now! We hope you enjoy keeping up!

Thursday, August 09, 2007

First Day of School!

Who knew this day would sneak up on us so fast. She has been so excited about it for months. I went in to wake her up this morning and she was already dressed!! Wes's office pushed back his appointments and Dr Freeman even rounded for him early this morning so he could go with us! For the past few weeks we have been making sure we had everything checked off: outfit picked out, backpack (thanks Carrie for telling us where to find the perfect size), school t-shirt and supply pack bought, and lunches paid for. Tuesday night we met her teacher, Ms Herndon. She seems really sweet and has been teaching since the early 80s. She took each childs picture and put it on a board for the kids to see. She even helped the kids introduce themselves as most everyone was just standing around staring at each other.

And I still feel like I am missing something. Some question not asked, paper not filled out, one last important item yet to be purchased. Oh well, there is a parent/teacher talk tonight so I will just stress about it then!

Here she is right before we left.

Getting her backpack just right.

This is outside her classroom door right before she walked in for the first time.

She was told to find her name, hang up her backpack and get out her snack for the day.

After putting on her nametag and signing up for lunch she had to find the seat with her name on it.

Then she was able to choose a "table work". Of course she went straight for the art table.

This is in the hall right outside her room.

She is in the Purple Pod and it is decorated in a Fiesta theme

Front Entrance

The playgound...of course is Peyton's favorite part!

She was great when we left. I know she will have a fabulous day. I'm just not sure what I am going to do with myself!


At 10:01 AM, August 09, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am tearing up just looking at the photos of our little Peyton going to school. I wish I were there so we could have coffee and laugh/cry together over our girls growing up so well and so fast.

At 8:32 AM, August 10, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Um, I think you left out the part about how you cried the whole way home......Don't worry, Grant has been in school for a week today and he hopped out as soon as the crossing guard opened the door and walked the whole way in by himself today......then I cried the whole way home AGAIN!!!!!!!!!! Love you!! ~Leslie

At 10:20 AM, August 10, 2007, Blogger Kimberly said...

I, like Beth, am tearing up right now. Wait, I think a tear just rolled down my cheek. I CANT believe she is SO big. She looks so sweet. I know you and Wes are so proud of her. You are an amazing mother. Thank you for being my go-to person when it comes to raising children.

At 1:53 PM, August 10, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope her first day went great. She is so beautiful. Tell Wes he only thinks he is stressed now. Just wait til she goes into high school. I agree with Kimberly, you are a great Mommie. Brings back so many memories. You didnt cry your first day either. I love you all! Mom

At 9:29 AM, August 13, 2007, Blogger Ashley @ pure and lovely said...

hang in there! I cant imagine what that felt like! ahhhh! she is so precious though. her school is so cute! and congrats on your little artist. ;)

At 4:40 PM, August 13, 2007, Blogger Leah said...

She looks so cute! I hope she had a great first day.

When Marley was born, she had a little problem with her foot and the Orthopedist (SP?) she saw was named Dr. Freeman. (just a coincidence...not really sure why I felt the need to share!)


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