The Stubblefield's

Our family is going through so many exciting changes right now! We hope you enjoy keeping up!

Monday, December 25, 2006

Christmas Morning

Christmas morning at our house has never been about Santa. For several reasons, we decided early on that we would tell Peyton the story and let it be just that. A make believe story not unlike all the magical princesses, mermaids, and fairies that she loves so much. We would play the "game" without deceiving her. No harm, no foul, right?

Well this year was different and I blame the movie Polar Express (which by the way is one of the best Christmas movies out there) FULLY! My child now firmly believes in Santa. Period. To her there is no other logical explanation. Santa lives at the North Pole with thousands of tiny elves and brings toys to every child in one night.

"No, Mommy it's not pretend, it's real. Santa Clause is going to bring me presents on Christmas! Now where are the milk and cookies?"

Alright. I give in! If she needs it to be real then I guess we can indulge. Well.... at least for this year.

Milk and cookies along with the hand written note.

This is what she found the next morning. An art table and more supplies than she could lift!

See Mommy and Daddy!!! He ate the them, he really did!

She couldn't wait to get started!

That was of course until The Little Mermaid DVD appeared!

Yummy hot chocolate!!


At 6:39 PM, March 14, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am so glad to see you informing us of your life's been a long drought because reading about your family is a nice cool drink of water for me!! I love the whole Santa deal and my boys REALLY get into it.....they think that all the camera bubbles at Wal-mart belong to him.....therefore I get EXCELLENT behavior everytime!! Thanks Santa!! ~Leslie


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