The Stubblefield's

Our family is going through so many exciting changes right now! We hope you enjoy keeping up!

Monday, December 11, 2006

Jackson Henry Mann is here!

Wow! What a fantastic day! I am not sure that it could have gone any smoother. Kimberly and Jack checked into the hospital at midnight for a scheduled induction. They gave her something to start contractions (don't know what it was called) when she arrived and were going to give her Pitocin around 8 am. However, right around 7 her water broke on its own and then the contractions really started. They were intense and close together and needless to say she was in a lot of pain. She had been given the drug Stadol but mostly it just made her loopy and did nothing to dull the horrible contractions she felt in her lower back. I can't even begin to discribe the pain she felt (but, it made me glad I had a c-section)! Everything happened so fast that by the time she was given an epidural at 8:30 she had already dialated to 7cm. At 10 am she had progressed to 10 cm and by 11 am she was ready to push.

I was so blessed to be given the job of photographer and was able to witness the whole thing. When asked the night before, I wasn't sure I could but I was more sure that I could never have said no. Of course my emotions were so overwhelmed that I started crying from the very first push. The nurse looked over and said "You're crying already?!" I immediatly indicated that I was fine and would be able to do the job I was deligated.

He came out with a big cry at 11:37am that even family on the other side of the door could hear. He was so perfect and healthy and big! He weighed 8lbs 12oz and was 22 & 3/4" long. Kimberly did amazingly well and was able to feed him within minutes of delivery. I am so thankful he is here and healthy. What a huge Christmas blessing!!

I know, how dare I post without pictures, but I am not at home and I can only operate the complicated side of computers under direct supervision of my hubby. I promise they are coming soon!


At 10:16 PM, December 14, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yea!! Can't wait for pictures!! I had two boys (both sections, due to big fat heads like their daddy) and one was 8'14 and the other 9'1!! Yea for big ole boy babies and yea for the section are is the bomb!! ~Leslie

At 10:14 AM, December 15, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Praise God for such a beautiful baby boy! My emotions were on edge too. I started crying when I heard that wonderful first cry. I looked down and Peyton was staring at me with big ole tears about to roll down her cheeks. I told her LOVEY was not sad that they were happy tears. That seemed to work because she started smiling then. You did a great job with the pictures, I know it meant a lot to Kimberly for you to be there for her. I will never forget the first time you saw your baby sister, you leaned over the basinet and gave her a big ole juicey kiss, snotty nose and all. I am so thankful that ya'll have stayed so close all through the years. The Lord has truely blessed me with such a wonderful family(sons-in-laws included).

At 10:49 AM, December 18, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the little Nephew. I know that you are a proud Aunt.
I hope that you guys are doing well. Corey

At 2:56 PM, December 19, 2006, Blogger Deborah stubblefield said...

What a beautiful boy! I can't wait to meet Peyton's newest cousin. Congrats to all.


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